Saturday, March 26, 2022

@ToddFuhrman When I was a score phone announcer, for years, long before caller ID, some guy would call 30-60 times a week on 800-number say a game was fixed and hang up immediately. Did detective work and found out it was a Philly degenerate named Scott Landau.: @ToddFuhrman When I was a score phone announcer, for years, long before caller ID, some guy would call 30-60 times a week on 800-number say a game was fixed and hang up immediately. Did detective work and found out it was a Philly degenerate named Scott Landau.

@ToddFuhrman When I was a score phone announcer, for years, long before caller ID, some guy would call 30-60 times a week on 800-number say a game was fixed and hang up immediately. Did detective work and found out it was a Philly degenerate named Scott Landau.: @ToddFuhrman When I was a score phone announcer, for years, long before caller ID, some guy would call 30-60 times a week on 800-number say a game was fixed and hang up immediately. Did detective work and found out it was a Philly degenerate named Scott Landau.

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